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A magnificent legacy: the culture of collecting Islamic art in Victorian London

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In this talk we explore the cultural ecosystem of Victorian London and the Burlington Fine Arts Club, and how these lead to the development of the fields of Islamic and Persian art, looking in particular at the collection in the Victoria & Albert Museum, London.

A magnificent legacy: the culture of collecting Islamic art in Victorian London
A magnificent legacy: the culture of collecting Islamic art in Victorian London

Time & Location

On Demand

Replay online recorded lecture


About the Event

Delivered by Chiara de Nicolais, assistant curator at the Middle East department at the Victoria & Albert Museum

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Suggested reading:

Private Collectors of Islamic Art in Late Nineteenth-Century London: The Persian Ideal (The Histories of Material Culture and Collecting, 1700-1950) by Isabelle Gadoin

Discovering Islamic Art: Scholars, Collectors and Collections, 1850-1950 by Stephen Vernoit


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    This ticket is for people who have credit with Art Historical London because they paid in advance via banktransfer, cheque or gift voucher. All others will be blocked.




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