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Stanhope Forbes’s A Fish Sale on a Cornish Beach: The Authority of the Gaze
On Demand Replay
|On Demand
In the series of Victorian Master Pieces, Alan will introduce us to this best loved painting by Stanhope Forbes.

Time & Location
On Demand Replay
On Demand
About the Event
Forbes’s most famous painting was shown at the Royal Academy in 1885 and was one of the first major canvases of what was to become known as the Newlyn School. Forbes’s working practice will be described and the generally accepted notion of the painting’s apparent realism will be challenged. This lecture is based on a dissertation which was short-listed for the Association of Art Historians’ Student Prize.
Delivered by Alan Read
Upon booking you will receive an automated email including instructions on how to watch.
This ticket is for people who have paid in advance by banktransfer, cheque or gift voucher.
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