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Live and Recorded talks relating to:
- Join Mariska for this series looking at some of the most wonderful works by Jan van Eyck and his extraordinary eye for life’s details. We will take a deep dive each week into some of his masterpieces: The Ghent Altar Piece, The Arnolfini Portrait and other portraits, and his small devotional works.
- North of the Alpes was very much affected by the Protestant Reformation. As Protestantism spread, artists turned away from overtly religious subjects and chose more secular imagery. Genre paintings and Landscape art make their appearance, and the court of Henry VIII introduces new displays of power!
- Van Eyck included breathtaking details in his paintings, often hard to spot with the naked eye from where we view the paintings. However, new technology has given us the chance to focus in on some of the extraordinary details he included in his art and the pleasure he must have taken in executing it
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