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Maria's events

This page lists all of Maria's upcoming events with Art Historical London, and past events which are still available to watch for a small fee.

  • Picasso's Women: series of 3 lectures together
    Picasso's Women: series of 3 lectures together
    On Demand
    Online recorded lectures
    On Demand
    Online recorded lectures
    This bundles a series of 3 lectures Maria gave on Picasso's Women. In the 1st lecture we examine his life & passions. The 2nd session looks at his love affairs and marriage from 1900-43 and the 3rd will cover his partners from 1943-73.
  • PICASSO:GODDESSES AND DOORMATS; Session 3: His muses from 1943 to 1973
    PICASSO:GODDESSES AND DOORMATS; Session 3: His muses from 1943 to 1973
    On Demand
    Online Recorded Lecture
    On Demand
    Online Recorded Lecture
    This third session on Picasso and the women in his life, will cover his partners from 1943 to 1973. Some were artists themselves, others came from nobility and others were simply young and pretty. Maria unpicks their influence.
  • PICASSO:GODDESSES AND DOORMATS; Session 2: his muses from 1920 to 1943
    PICASSO:GODDESSES AND DOORMATS; Session 2: his muses from 1920 to 1943
    On Demand
    Online Recorded Lecture
    On Demand
    Online Recorded Lecture
    This second session will look more deeply at the love affairs and marriage of Picasso from 1900 to 1943 and the emotions that connected him to the women in his life and his own artworks.
  • A brief review of Pablo Picasso's life and oeuvre in relation to women.
    A brief review of Pablo Picasso's life and oeuvre in relation to women.
    On Demand
    Online Recorded Lecture
    On Demand
    Online Recorded Lecture
    We will analyse Picasso's oeuvre through the emotions that connected him to the women in his life. Some of them lived with Picasso, some of them lived for Picasso. The research was based on diaries and books written by his partners as well as by his descendants.
  • The textiles of Paracas: a wonder in wool
    The textiles of Paracas: a wonder in wool
    On Demand
    Online Recorded Lecture
    On Demand
    Online Recorded Lecture
    The embroidered mantles of Paracas are known as some of the finest ever produced by Pre-Columbian societies. Please join Maria as she explains the wonderful stories surrounding these textiles. more info below.
  • Fauvism & La Belle Epoque
    Fauvism & La Belle Epoque
    On Demand
    Online Recorded Lecture
    On Demand
    Online Recorded Lecture
    After Realism & Naturalism, Impressionism & Post-Impressionism, Henri Matisse will break all the rules by applying furious pure colours deserving the mote “fauve” (wild beast) given by the art critic Louis Vauxcelles. Please join us to learn what happened in Paris after 1905. more info below
  • The Aztec Mexica: Lords of all created things
    The Aztec Mexica: Lords of all created things
    On Demand
    Online Recorded Webinar
    On Demand
    Online Recorded Webinar
    Maria will he take us to XIV century Mesoamerica when the so- called Mexica arrived at lake Texcoco and right in the middle of it founded the most extraordinary city of the ancient Americas: Tenochtitlan. We will cover its society, economy, fashion, religion and collapse.
  • The Birth of Cinema: first films, soap-operas and detective stories ever filmed
    The Birth of Cinema: first films, soap-operas and detective stories ever filmed
    On Demand
    Online recorded Lecture
    On Demand
    Online recorded Lecture
    The concept of “motion-pictures” later called “cinema” was born during la Belle Époque. In 1892, the first “cinématographe” camera was invented by Leon Bouly. It was able to record, develop & project motion pictures. We will enjoy the oeuvre of those great pioneers in this 1 hour talk more inf below
  • Les Ballets Russes: a Russian flavour in Paris
    Les Ballets Russes: a Russian flavour in Paris
    On Demand
    Online Recorded Lecture
    On Demand
    Online Recorded Lecture
    Due to the political instability in Russia, many noblemen and aristocrats had to leave. Among them was the impresario Sergei Diaghilev who will become the father of Les Ballets Russes. A transformative force in music, dance and the visual arts, join Maria to explore! more info below
  • LA BELLE EPOQUE RHYTHMS: From waltz to tango
    LA BELLE EPOQUE RHYTHMS: From waltz to tango
    On Demand
    Online recorded Lecture
    On Demand
    Online recorded Lecture
    Since the Middle Ages, Paris was a centre of music production: choral music, ballets & operas were premiered in Paris. La Belle Epoque will bring a different perspective. Cabarets & bistros, casinos & music halls were opened for those “nouveau riches” who wanted to have fun. more info below
  • Belle Epoque Literature: From Romanticism to Naturalism. the birth of the scientific novel
    Belle Epoque Literature: From Romanticism to Naturalism. the birth of the scientific novel
    On Demand
    Online Recorded Lecture
    On Demand
    Online Recorded Lecture
    Victor Hugo said: “Anyone who contemplates the depths of Paris feels invaded by vertigo. Nothing is more fantastic. Nothing is more tragic. Nothing is more sublime”. La Belle Epoque will produce writers as dissimilar as Colette & Marcel Proust, inaugurating de so called “modernism” in literature.
  • Futurism and the Belle Epoque
    Futurism and the Belle Epoque
    On Demand
    Online Recorded Lecture
    On Demand
    Online Recorded Lecture
    Futurism is a movement with a manifesto written by poet & journalist Filippo Tommaso Marinetti who will be its engine, attracting many other Italian artists. In Britain, the Futurist movement became the Vorticist. Maria will introduce this often controversial movement. More info below
  • Cubism and the Belle Epoque
    Cubism and the Belle Epoque
    On Demand
    Online Recorded Lecture
    On Demand
    Online Recorded Lecture
    We will go through the oeuvre of what Maria calls “The three great musketeers” of Cubism: Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque and Juan Gris. We shall also analyse the influence of Cubism in art and architecture. more info below
  • La Belle Epoque: the Golden years of Paris before WWI
    La Belle Epoque: the Golden years of Paris before WWI
    On Demand
    Online Recorded Lecture
    On Demand
    Online Recorded Lecture
    A brief introduction to France at the end of the 19 th century: the Franco-Prussian War and the siege of Paris. The Second Industrial Revolution, its influence on the arts, crafts, sciences, industries. The birth of cabarets, bistros, music halls. New art, new music, new morals… new “nouveau riches”
  • Victorians and the Nude
    Victorians and the Nude
    On Demand
    Online Recorded Lecture
    On Demand
    Online Recorded Lecture
    The Victorian Gaze: sexuality, morality and art is the topic of this new online talk by Maria. She'll be looking the difference between the naked and the nude and how photography changed it all! more information below
  • Frida Kahlo: Identity and Political Commitment
    Frida Kahlo: Identity and Political Commitment
    On Demand
    Online Recorded Webinar
    On Demand
    Online Recorded Webinar
    Frida's genes were half German & half Mexican. She could be considered a “mestiza”. Very proud of both her ancestries, as we can appreciate in her paintings, we'll go through her life from the point of view of her strong relationship with politics and Mexican traditions.
  • Art Nouveau in Scotland: the Mackintosh
    Art Nouveau in Scotland: the Mackintosh
    On Demand
    Online Recorded Webinar
    On Demand
    Online Recorded Webinar
    Under the influence of the Glasgow School of Art, Charles Rennie Mackintosh and Margaret MacDonald produced what we know as the "Scotto continental" style and it was the result of a combination of celtic design, arts & crafts, Japonisme and French Art Nouveau.
  • Mexican Muralism “Public Art, Identity & Collective Memory”
    Mexican Muralism “Public Art, Identity & Collective Memory”
    On Demand
    Online Recorded Webinar
    On Demand
    Online Recorded Webinar
    A movement which started in the 1920s as part of the political modernization of the country after the 1910 revolution, the murals were painted to send a strong message to the people, in order to reunify what we call today Mexico. Diego Rivera, D.A.Siqueiros & Clemente Orozco will all be discussed.
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